So....You Want To Be A Prophet!


God looks down on those called to be His prophets
with such great joy. How He loves us. When one
knows that they are called to be a prophet of the
Lord such joy fills their heart. Then all too quickly
for the prophet the crushing begins. Little by little
the Lord continues to press in to remove all that
is not of Him. Many times the prophet will say
ouch and often moan and complain until they
realize that it really does no good but just takes
more energy than it is worth. We are told to be
good soldiers and endure hardness. The prophet
needs to be softened to have the heart of the Father
and yet toughened so they will not give in to pressure.

At the same time he or she needs to come to death
in their need of approval and have it stripped from their
lives. This needs to be to be removed from the prophets life.

Dying daily is the way of the prophet. Paul said, I
die daily. If you want to be a prophet get ready to
die!!! Get ready to lay all on the altar before Him and
move when He says move. You will learn to die quickly!

There will be times that you will move to an unknown
place. Little by little one realizes that their life is not
their own and Father is looking for a heart that obeys
out of love.

Some of us are more obedient than others. Then
there are those that are full of rebellion that He has
called and it all has to be dealt with.

The process is not easy. You will go through a lot of
rejection at the hands of others especially in the church.
Some will not understand your calling. Even those of
your own household will not always understand the high
standard God has called you to!

You will be mocked and ridiculed because you will not enter
into the things that they do. It is a lonely walk and often you
will want to hide you head in the sand. Alas, that does not
work either. Sometimes going to bed and pulling the covers
up over your head seems like the answer but that too is
short lived.

Plainly one comes to see that the life of the prophet is a
hard, disciplined life. Yet one would not change it for the world.
The true prophet loves the Lord with all their heart and has
a heart for His people. It is out of this that the prophet is born.

The Heart of the Father must be your heart beat. You must
love His church and not be critical of her but see her has the
Father sees her. You will be that intercessor with His heart
and you will also love His chosen people. You will hate sin but
learn to love the sinner.

You will be become one with whom He shares His secrets
and learn that you must keep confidences.
You will learn to intercede and pray the Word of God and
declare it into the earth. You will be His watchman. You will
learn to die to your flesh and get up at night when He calls you.

There will be little approval in this life for you. You will go
through life in the cave, live in a cocoon, in the wilderness
for a time and then one day you will be that beautiful butterfly
that God wants you to be! want to be a prophet! Be prepared to live in the fiery
furnace. Just when you think you got out of it, in you go again
for more refining. The Lord will lovingly refine you till you are
pure gold.

Do you feel that the Lord is calling you? Decide if you are willing
to pay the price! Spend time with Him and you will know in your
heart your calling as you wait on Him and hear His voice. He
will over time confirm it to you. This will be done through
others also who will recognize the gift that is in you. A mans
gift makes room for him.

Sometimes it takes years and yet others are told very
young that they are called the be a prophet. Jeremiah heard
early that he was called to be a prophet. There are others
who did not have it all revealed to them till midlife. They
look back and understand all the rejection and hardship they
have gone through and see that the Lord was preparing them.

God has a perfect plan. There is the prophetic gift, the
prophetic ministry and the prophetic office. Find out where you
are called.

Take time Beloved to seek Him and know for sure that He is
calling you to be one of His prophets. When you know this
press in with all His might and be all He has called you to be.
Realize that you will be in His school of learning for a long time
and that it can take even fifteen, twenty or thirty years to form
one who will one day walk in the office of the prophet and be
that gift to the body of Christ. want to be a read to die to all that you are
so that you can be all for Him. You will become His mouthpiece,
speak when He says speak and will learn through the things
you suffer. You will put your foot in your mouth along the way,
but He will put the horses bit in your mouth and you will learn to
bridle your tongue.

Speaking in tongues is a good solution to this and being filled
with the Holy Ghost daily is a must for God's prophet.

Be prepared to be groomed by the Lord Himself and He will
work in your heart and life and one day you will be seperated
by the Lord for this office. Then in His timing He will ordain you
usually through an apostle into the office of the prophet.

You will do what you have done all along and serve His body and
you will now be that gift to the body of Christ which will require
a much greater dying to all that you are so that His church
can be all that they will be.

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