Saturday, December 15, 2012

Another School Shooting - Why?

“Another School Shooting – Why?”

Prophetic Moments – Issue #56 – December 14, 2012
by R. Loren Sandford
Like everyone else with any sense of compassion, I am profoundly grieved at the tragedy of twenty children and seven adults murdered in Newtown, Connecticut. Many of us are asking why? It seems so senseless, so incomprehensible that someone would visit such murderous impulses on innocent children barely out of infancy. Know and understand that this incident is not the judgment of God. Matthew 18:10 says, “their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.” I would have difficulty understanding what kind of heartless religious spirit would say that children were killed as a result of the judgment of God, although I know that some will.

Historically, when a society sickens, its sickness tends to express itself in extreme and concentrated ways through individuals vulnerable to its influence or predisposed to wickedness. It would be something like a systemic infection erupting in a focused way through a pimple or a boil. For example, Germany’s societal illness following the humiliation of their defeat in the First World War found concentrated expression in the evil of Adolf Hitler. The reparations – vengeance – the victorious allies imposed contributed to that sickness and paved the way for what came later. Consequently millions of people suffered and died. Many tried to blame Hitler as if the entire burden of guilt were his, but the failure of the allies to forgive had something to do with it and Germany as a whole had to bear its collective responsibility. Corporate sin found a conduit in an evil man who expressed it in concentrated form.

Thus it is today in America as we see incidents of senseless mass killings increase in frequency. We may comfort ourselves with the thought that we are a good people and that these things are being done by demented and evil individuals, but this doesn’t answer the question of why this kind of thing simply did not happen prior to twenty years ago. It does not tell us why this seems to be accelerating in frequency now. Gun control is not the answer because guns are not the cause. Americans have always owned guns but until recent history we have not had to worry about being fired upon in a theater, a mall or a school. Guns are not the problem. The problem lies in the heart of our society and in our cultural decay.

Matthew 24:12 reads, “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.” The spirit of lawlessness is loose in the land. From government to populace, we as a society have chosen to ignore, even to reject, God’s clearly stated laws, moral standards and principles, choosing a culture of self rather than a culture of selflessness. In the name of freedom we call evil good and good evil. True integrity is in short supply. We can’t even trust our elected officials to obey the laws they have sworn to uphold. Historically, while we may not always have actually behaved as righteous people in this nation, we at least acknowledged the truth of God’s moral standards and understood what righteousness is. We no longer do, while those who actually take a stand for God’s truth are considered to be dangerous, intolerant, judgmental or too far to the right to be taken seriously.
Now we pay the price as our societal lawlessness and the consequent erosion of love make possible this proliferation of heinous crimes, shootings in malls, theaters and schools. Our collective sin and lawlessness find concentrated expression in a few demented individuals whose depravity is freed to erupt in violence because our corporate lawlessness has weakened the structures of society spiritually and morally that would restrain it. In that sense, we all share responsibility for these tragedies. I see it as the cumulative effect of broken marriages, fornication, adultery, deception and corruption at every level of our culture. The structures of society that produce whole people are broken. Broken people do broken things.

We will see more of these tragedies. In my books I have written of the destructive effect of the culture of self we’ve cultivated in this nation. Conscience, based in primary care and concern for the welfare of others, dies when self-focus leads to lawlessness and lawlessness leads to lovelessness. This opens the door to demonic influence. I wrote in VISIONS OF THE COMING DAYS that we would soon see an upsurge in demonic activity as a result of drug abuse, sexual immorality and rebellion against the laws and principles of God as expressed in Scripture. Tragedies like this most recent one bear the marks of demonic inspiration. Our collective rejection of God’s laws and principles opens the door for this.

What must we as Christians do? It’s time to take issues of biblical righteousness and integrity seriously. It’s past time to preach the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ who captivates hearts and changes lives until they conform to the image of the Son. It’s long past time that we cleanse ourselves of the culture of self and learn to know the selflessness of our Lord and the power of the cross. It’s time to become real Christians.
Prophetic Moments is an occasional bulletin produced
by Pastor R. Loren Sandford

New Song Church and Ministries
Denver, Colorado.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Victory Is Assured

Victory is Assured

Many in the body of Christ are walking in discouragement this morning because of hard times. You have not yet seen the answers to many of the prayers you have prayed and the enemy has tried to come in like a flood with his lies. Now is the time, this very moment to decide that you will walk in victory. You are not defeated! You are a people of God that are called by His name, for His purposes and for this time. Much is yet to be done to see the Kingdom of God come forth and fully manifest in the earth. 
Many are suffering and you will be used to alleviate much of that suffering with that which I have put in your hands. You have been given much and have the ability to help in the little things of daily life that make a big difference. Perhaps it is a word in season to someone that lifts their spirit. Perhaps it is just being a good listener. Ask Me how I can use you! You will see open doors and in ministering to others you will not be thinking of your own needs.

I will supply as you praise My holy name and reach out to others. I am Lord of All and have all things in My hands. I know what is going on in this world and you are not to fear but walk in faith and wait on Me. Yes, My Beloveds take time to wait on Me. Many of you are finding it hard to be still. Many of you are fearing the future but I say to you I am your future and hope. Do not be discouraged but take hold of My Word and dig into it without laziness and you will find your answers. Submit to one another in the fear of God and do not let go. Esteem your brothers and sisters highly in the Lord and see their heart. Break bread together and remember the price I paid on the cross till I come. The Day of the Lord is at hand. Serve Me diligently and you will see me move.

4 because everything which has God as its Father overcomes the world. And this is what victoriously overcomes the world: our trust.(CJB)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Word of the Lord for December 2012

Word of the Lord for December 2012
By: Prophet Phyllis Ford
Arlington, Texas

“I have called upon you this day to witness my power and my glory. I am calling upon you this day to partake in my plan, and to complete my purpose in a world that has grown weary. I say to you today don’t give up because of the ground of great despair and worry. What many look upon as a breeding ground for destruction, anger and frustration—will now become the final birthing place for my army of sons that are rising up and are becoming mighty warriors, for victory and glory.”

“Trouble is coming in the midst of the winds of change and will cause a great shifting, even darkness will come upon the earth. But also know that before I return, I will raise up an end time kingdom of priest, with great power and glory. They will be an army of sons and all will know that the systems of greed and avarice will be destroyed. A time of kingdom government will come forth with a new glory of my presence to replace the despair with life and with spiritual strength, Godly integrity and honor. It will take form out of the patterns that I have set before you in my word. I am opening up treasures in the midst of famine, and that which has been lost will be recovered. I will replace what is known now as lack and loss with spiritual grace and mercy, strength and restoration. Too much has been relied upon by men who have not sought me on how to rebuild and replenish. When evil men begin to try to develop their plans based on mindsets that have no Godly vision and no spiritual resolve there is confusion and darkness.”

Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right unto a man but the end thereof are the ways of death.

“There will be a releasing of new life and light for healing in a time of weakness, there will be healing in a time of emptiness, and it will complete you in a time of uncertainty. So open up your eyes and heart as I minister to you inwardly with my mercy and my grace. Cry out for your loved ones. Cry out for this mercy and grace. My light will come to show you the way to go forward, even in times of darkness. In your cry I will speak to you, heal you, reveal you and raise you up. Come forth and allow me to transform you anew. Your cry is significant in this hour for this is what you have been prepared for and it is what I have called you to. So arise and take your place in the earth as my disciples of righteousness.”

“Approaching judgments have come as a result of a rebellious people and now the effects have been financial breakdowns, struggles of the nation’s stability, strife within the government, with pride in the leadership on many levels and on all sides. However the church also must bear responsibility for allowing the values of my word to be set aside. As they allowed the pride of man and the world system into the church and it has seriously compromised her and the nation’s values and beliefs followed suit. Men have brought forth a system that was been built like Babel and in the coming days you will see the fall of that kingdom before your eyes.”

“The key to seeing change will be from men coming together and praying, repenting, turning and changing their course. You must continue to Pray with power. You can turn the captivity of the people and land through prayer and walking out the apostolic and prophetic mandate of this hour without faltering. It is time to set yourselves over the nations praying, decreeing and declaring over kingdoms to root out, to pull down and to throw down, by destroying the present evil systems, and to build, and to plant everywhere the kingdom of God.”

“In my word you will see the importance of how my apostles released and walked out a strategy for kingdom building by planting and establishing sound doctrine, houses of prayer, while ushering in worldwide evangelism and laying the foundation of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.”

“In my word you will see the importance of how my prophets acted upon my instructions and keys were released to unlock mysteries and destroy the works of darkness and destruction. Know that I have set an appointed time and my timing is sure.”

“In my word you will see the enemy will rise up and in order to try to gain more power, they will challenge and fight even within their own ranks. They will fight each other, evil nation against evil nation, and evil kingdoms against evil kingdoms.”

Isaiah 19:2 I will set up the Egyptians against the Egyptians and they shall fight everyone with his brother, every one against his neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom.

“Search out my word for my answers are there before you. I will open my word and it will speak to you in greater levels and dimensions of understanding than you have ever known. My people are ready and hungry for truth in this hour and I will meet with them in visitations and watching, says the Lord. So seek me and answer my call now as the time is fast approaching and the enemy is looking to usher in a new order but remember this is the hour of the birthing for my army of sons.”

Isaiah 23:11 He stretched out his hands over the sea, He shook the kingdoms, the Lord has given a command against the merchant city, to destroy it’s strongholds.

“It is also a time to understand that not only must you come into a new mindset of embracing my heavenly kingdom—but you also must come out of the thinking of the systems of this world in order to receive that which can only be acquired by my own hand. You must “come out from her” (the Babylonian system) and no longer rely on these things as your source for what you need. For even as my word says, that the kingdoms of this world will fall and will become the kingdoms of our God. These are the things which I have spoken to you about, so understand that you cannot cry for help from the effects of the worldly system while also allowing mammon to be your god. You must place your trust in me and the kingdom of God to provide for you and I will disperse from my hand that which you need.”

Matthew 6:24 No man serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

“And I shall even provide for you by taking the wealth of wicked systems and I will release it into the hands of the just. It is essential you understand these things because your provision that you truly seek comes from the endless resources of my riches in glory. The right to access has always been in my presence. There will be those who must change their thinking because their spiritual inheritance has always come from heaven and not from the world. The heavenly economy is far greater and has a never ending value to it. Embrace it now so that you may receive answers, open new resources, and you will be able to see beyond what the world has to offer which is short-lived. Many have been entangled by trying to hold on to something that they never really owned. Those things carry with them the faulty reasoning of having possessions no matter what the cost, which could cost you to a greater degree in the end. Know that I am your exceeding great reward and I am as a spring of living water in a dry place that will provide drink even in the darkest hours, says the Lord.”

Prophetic Intercession
Two major concerns are the visions that I have seen concerning infighting in our nation of the US. This is not just an imagined possibility but could become a very strong reality. It is very important that we cover this possibility with a canopy of prayer and the blood of Jesus. Israel is a grave concern as well—we must be stable, strong and leveled headed if we are going to be a strong help to Israel. One’s destiny is as vital as the other. But if there is envy and strife there in our nation our effectiveness to protect Israel becomes compromised and we will see confusion and every evil work. It could hinder our ability to lend strength and affects the fervency of our prayers at a very important time. The enemy’s strategy is keep us off course and we must be sharper than this in our reactions to things that have happened. We must stand in the gap for her (Israel).
Earthquakes have been very active at this time. Storms will continue come and go as we wind down to the end of this year—continue to store up and gather important necessities during this time. Lately I have been troubled about the water systems—so pray around possible sabotage around water systems.

The prophetic alert around the major cities are still in place—Texas is still on the watch list along with the other cities mentioned in November’s list. I also look to hear some major feedback from the regions of Russia, North Korea, Iran and China to the United States that will be a flexing of muscles with major strength and challenges.
I will be in before the Lord for the rest of the year I have had a strong feeling that 2013 will begin with serious trouble. Be in prayer with us as we stay before His presence in this hour.

Please go to this link on you tube to listen to an vital message for this hour. It is on a scripture that the Lord gave me back in August.

Prophetic Word Nov 20, 2012

Prophetic Word Nov 20, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

We need to continue to write as the Lord leads and record that which is taking place. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Love Me Where You're At

Love Me Where You're At
By Francis Frangipane

I have discovered that as we seek the Lord, our most difficult periods can be transformed into wonderful breakthroughs into God's love. For me, one such season occurred during the years 1979 to1981. The association of churches with which I was aligned had fallen under spiritual deception. Not only were its core doctrines increasingly seeded with New Age influences, but immorality crept in, and key leaders began leaving their wives for other women. I could no longer remain silent. As a result, in 1979 I left my congregation in Detroit, Michigan, where I had served as pastor, and traveled to the organization's regional headquarters in Iowa. I came to plead for repentance. However, after meeting with the senior leaders, I was asked to leave the group.

So here we were---we had left our church, we had no money, and we had four little children; we couldn't even afford basic housing. Desperate for anything, we finally found an old farmhouse in rural Washington, Iowa. The home was over a hundred years old, but it actually looked much older. After negotiating with the landlord, we were given a year of free rent provided I did basic repairs to the house, such as cleaning and painting.

Even so, the house needed more than I could provide. The furnace did not work well, so we installed a wood burner stove in the kitchen. That first winter, it turned out, was one of the coldest in Iowa's history. Frost formed on the inside walls, spreading a foot or two around each window; wind chills dropped to 60 below, and even colder on several occasions.

To keep warm each night, the whole family cuddled tightly on one large mattress on the dining room floor, about 18 feet from the wood burner in the kitchen. A fan behind the stove nudged warm air in our direction. My nightly project, of course, was to build enough heat in the stove to keep us warm until morning.

While I worked the fire, I also would pray and seek God. The wood burner became a kind of altar to me, for each night as I prayed, I offered to God my unfulfilled dreams and the pain of my spiritual isolation. Yes, I knew the Lord was aware of our situation. Though we had virtually nothing, He showed Himself to us in dozens of little ways. I just didn't know what He wanted of me.

As the seasons came and went, another child was born, and then we fostered a young girl from Vietnam, giving us six children. Still, as the family grew, the little area around the wood burner became a hallowed place to me. Even in the summer, I would sit on the chair next to the stove and pray and worship.

I would like to say I found the joy of the Lord during this time, but in truth, though I gradually adjusted to my situation, I felt an abiding misery in my soul. Our deep poverty was an issue (I barely made $6,000 a year), but more than that, I felt like I had missed the Lord. My continual prayer was, "Lord, what do You want of me?"

Three years of seeking God passed, and I still carried an emptiness inside. What was God's will for me? I had started a couple Bible studies and spoken a few times in churches, but I so identified with being a pastor that, until I was engaged again in full-time ministry, I feared I had lost touch with God's call on my life.

In spite of this inner emptiness concerning ministry, I actually was growing spiritually, especially in areas that were previously untilled. I went through the Gospels, hungry to study and obey the words of Christ. Previously, I had unconsciously defined a successful ministry as something born of my performance. During this time, however, the Lord reduced me to simply being a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Indeed, a number of things I thought were biblical I discovered were really just religious traditions. The Lord desired that I take inventory of my heart and examine those few truths for which I would be willing to die. He said the truths for which I would die, for these I should live.

Frankly, things like the timing of the rapture or nuances about worship style or spiritual gifts dropped in their priority, though I still considered them important. Rising to the top of my focus was a passion to be a true follower of Jesus Christ---to obey His teachings and approach life not merely as a critic but more as an encourager. I also found myself increasingly free to enjoy and learn from Christians from other streams and perspectives.

Yet, these changes, though deep and lasting, occurred slowly, almost imperceptibly. They were happening quietly in my heart, and only in hindsight did I see what the Lord had done. Throughout this time, I was preoccupied with feelings of detachment from God's will. My prayer to know the Lord's plan for me continued daily.

The Breakthrough
One day, as I stood in the kitchen pantry, I repeated again my abiding prayer: "Lord, what do You want of me?" In a sudden flash of illumination, the Lord answered. Speaking directly to my heart, He said, "Love Me where you're at."

In this time and season, remember, I was not a pastor or minister. I was a television repairman doing odd jobs on the side to provide for my family. I hated what I was doing. In my previous church I taught against TV, and now I was "laying hands" on television sets and raising them from the dead! The Lord's answer cut straight to my heart. I was awed at its simplicity! I asked, "Love You where I am at? Lord, is that all You want of me?" To this He responded, "This is all I will ever require of you."

In that eternal moment, peace flooded my soul and I was released from the false expectation of ministry-driven service. God was not looking at what I did for Him, but who I became to Him in love. The issue in His heart was not whether I pastored but whether I loved Him. To love the Lord in whatever station I found myself---even as a television repairman---this I could do!

A deep and remarkable transformation occurred in me. My identity was no longer in being a pastor but rather in becoming a true lover of God. Having settled my priorities, amazingly, just a couple days later I was invited to pastor a church in Marion, Iowa. In spite of all my previous anxiety about returning to ministry, I did not jump at the opportunity. For I had found what the Lord truly desired of me. Though I eventually accepted this call, my focus was not merely on leading a church but on loving God.

What God Seeks
More than one's ministry, God seeks our love. His great commandment is that we love Him, ultimately, with all our mind, all our heart, and all our soul and strength. If we love Him, we will fulfill all He requires of us (John 14:15). And it is as we love Him that He orchestrates all things to work together for our good (Rom. 8:28).

Beloved, loving God is not hard. We can fulfill any assignment---auto mechanic or housewife, doctor or college student---and still give great pleasure to our heavenly Father. We do not need ministry titles to love the Lord. Indeed, God measures the value of our lives by the depth of our love. This is what He requires of all true God-seekers: to love Him where we are at.

Lord Jesus, the revelation of Your love has swept me off my feet. Lord, You have drawn me and I run after You. Master, even in the mundane things of life, I shall express my love for You. Consume me in Your love.

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Update on Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

Sources in Iran have said that Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has been acquitted of apostasy, but found guilty of evangelizing Muslims and sentenced to three years in prison which he has already served. He has been released from prison and reunited with his precious family. We need to keep praying however as another Pastor was released and then murdered not too long after his release.
Please pray for the Lord's protection over this Pastor and his family and let us continue to pray for the persecuted church in Iran.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Marriage, One Man, One Woman

Marriage, One Man, One Woman
The church has struggled much on standing up for biblical truth and defending it. The scriptures tells us you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding blood in the contest against sin. Heb. 12:4 (CJB) Jesus was hated and hung on the cross because men could not bear the truth that He spoke and because God had a plan to redeem mankind.  Many times they tried to kill Him and yet until the appointed time He was able to walk through the crowd and out of harm's way. At the appointed time He laid down His life with sacrificial love for all mankind.

Standing as a believer is something that we cannot do in our own strength.  A line is being drawn in the sand where we are having to decide whose side we are on.  Will we stand wholeheartedly for the Word of God amid the storms that are raising their ugly head?  Issues are coming up where we are being challenged to come to a new level of faith and commitment.  Will we keep silent or will we speak the truth in love, calling sin as the Word of God calls it?

In the United States we have heard of the battle over righteousness in believing that marriage is between one man and one woman.  Canada's laws  have already been changed and many have chosen the path that they will follow. How did this very basic fundamental truth about marriage that is basic to our survival as a people come under such erosion by the enemy?  How is it that man cannot see and know that a man and woman made in the image of God were created to marry and procreate and that no other two species except male and female can bring the fruit of the womb.  

27 So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him:
male and female he created them. 28 God blessed them: God said to them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air and every living creature that crawls on the earth.” Genesis 1:27 (CJB)

Men are calling good evil and evil good.  As it was in the days of Noah so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.  The Lord spoke about the condition of men's hearts then and they are the same today.   He is not willing that any should perish but all should come to the truth.  His love for mankind took Him to the cross where He suffered, died and rose again that we might be set free from our sin and that we might come to know Him.

One day all will give an account of how they lived there lives here on this earth.  Were we holy as He is Holy?  Did we walk in truth and righteousness?  Did we speak the truth in love and stand as that watchman on the wall who was called to speak so that the blood of another would not be on his hands? 

Have you spoken when it is uncomfortable, unpopular and would cost you something dear.  Have you dared to speak the whole counsel when led of the Holy Spirit to do so?  We are living in times like the days of Noah, eating, drinking, getting married and going about business as usual.

We need to take a stand now for what we believe.  Daily the rights of those of precious faith are under attack.  Let Christ in you arise and be fortified in His Word.  We are told that the day will come when all will hate you and we do not like to think about this.  One can feel the spiritual climate changing daily and we need to guard our relationship with Jesus. We are to love the sinner, pray for them, but come out from among them and be separate.  It is only as you live a separated life that you will  have eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit of God is saying to the church. 

Recently in sharing that someone was getting married, a person asked the question, "to a man or woman", in jesting.  This shows how the truth of God's word has been rejected to suit the sin of man rather than man allowing God to move on His heart that He might follow Jesus. Taking up our cross daily and following Him is becoming increasingly difficult and unpopular. Yet there is no option for the true follower of Christ.  Let us be willing to daily take up our cross and follow Jesus. 

The word of Adonai came to me: “Human being, speak to your people; say to them, ‘Suppose I bring the sword on a country, and the people of that country take one of their men and appoint him their watchman. Now if, upon seeing the sword coming against that country, he blows the shofar and warns the people; then, if the sword comes and takes away someone who heard the sound of the shofar but paid no attention to it, the responsibility for that person’s death will be his own — he heard the shofar but paid no attention, so the responsibility for his death is his own; whereas if he had paid attention, he would have saved his life. But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the shofar, so that the people are not warned; and then the sword comes and takes any one of them, that one is indeed taken away in his guilt, but I will hold the watchman responsible for his death.’
“Likewise you, human being — I have appointed you as watchman for the house of Isra’el. Therefore, when you hear the word from my mouth, warn them for me. When I tell the wicked person, ‘Wicked person, you will certainly die’; and you fail to speak and warn the wicked person to leave his way; then that wicked person will die guilty; and I will hold you responsible for his death. On the other hand, if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he doesn’t turn from his way; then he will still die guilty, but you will have saved your own life. Ezekiel 33:1-7 (CJB)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Calling All Intercessors!


16 He saw that there was no one, was amazed that no one interceded. Therefore his own arm brought him salvation, and his own righteousness sustained him. Isaiah 59:16 (CJB)

I am calling forth My intercessors to take their place in the battle.  There are many that are not in position and now is the time for you to take your place.  It is a time of high alert in the land and you are being called now to do battle for the souls of men.  Battles are taking place for the nations of the earth and the souls of men.  Now is the time for you to lay aside all that is not important and to spend time with Me that you might see and hear.  Then you can pray according to My Word and see the Word of the Lord go forth in the earth.  My Kingdom is within you.  I live within you.  Not for the pleasures of this world but to be that one I have called you to be.  Hear My voice and move into position.

I am the light of this world.  It is my light and fire that men must see and be saved.  I am calling you to pray men into the Kingdom of God.  Nations stand in the balance, souls stand in the balance and many are going to hell daily.  I say to you pray, and intercede for the souls of men and for all that are in authority over you.

You can see that battle has heated up greatly and there is gross darkness on the land.  The rights of those that are mine are being taken away daily and you must stand your ground, first in the prayer closet.  Be on high alert and vigilant.  Have your spiritual periscope up and searching for all that is not of me that you might defeat the enemy.  I would have your eyes staid on Me for only then as you truly fellowship with Me will you see and hear.

Be alert in prayer.  Wake up My church for many are yet asleep in the light.  Hard times are coming and the enemy would try and bring about a third world war.  Be alert and pray for the situation in the middle east.  The situation with Iran and Syria are a powder keg about to go off and you must pray.  Keep your eyes on Russia for it is again raising its head.  Call on Me and I will intervene as you move My hand in prayer.  There is great need for intercessors praying for Israel and you need to surround her with your prayers of intercession.  Pray that they have wisdom and come to the knowledge of the truth that indeed, I am their Messiah.

Pray for President Obama for wisdom and that he will come to hear My voice.  I have been speaking but He has not yet heard My voice.  Pray for the protection of those in authority that no weapon formed against the United States of America will prosper.  Pray that the spirit of Behemoth be brought down for it is arising worldwide.  Men have thought that they can do it their way and self must be brought down.  I am doing a work in the hearts of men but there is a red star rising and it is Russian and you must be in prayer concerning her for her position in the middle east is not by accident but by design.  There are those you that will be shown how to pray and take down the kingdoms of the enemy in corporate prayer.  Come together in corporate prayer.  I have designed you and created you for this time and hour. 

Be the prophetic intercessors that I have called you to be.  Shoot the arrows of My Word and hit the target.  Take the Word of God and fight for all that is good and true and decent for the spirit of deception is moving rapidly to deceive even the very elect if this were possible.  Pray for truth in the body of Christ to be revealed.  Pray for deliverance from deception.  If it were possible all could be deceived.  But My Spirit is all powerful and as you cry out for the truth of My Word you will see the deceptions of men.  Fear not that which I am speaking to you but fear the Lord and know that I am moving.  I am the light of the world the fire that needs to burn in the hearts of men.  Run this race with great care and diligence, putting aside all but that which is important for the Kingdom of God to be furthered in the earth.  Lay aside all that is not of Me.  Walk in love and let the love of Christ flow through you to the hearts of men.  Arise and let Me be your first love.

Prayer Alerts

Yesterday morning I heard the words, " behemoth is rising!. I searched out the scripture in the book of Job 40:15-25 and also Behemoth means something of oppressive or monstrous size, power, or appearance in Mirriam-Websters dictionary. The Lord also showed me a black submarine on the surface shortly afterwards.  Several hours later after praying He had me look and see that there was a Russian nuclear sub by that name and also other nations had subs of this kind as well.  Later that day I heard storm clouds were on the horizon and also the words, "red star rising".  As I searched online there was a photo of a Russian sub above surface very near a beach there.  All the people were going about their business as usual with but a very few even concerned.  Now is the time for man to wake up and realize that the cold war is not over.  We need to see with the eyes of the spirit so please pray accordingly.

We are entering a time of the 9th of Av. starting tomorrow evening.  It is a time throughout history where many catastrophes have happened throughout Jewish History.  Let us be prayerful during this time for Israel and also for the Israeli team at the 2012 Summer Olympics as it is a concern of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.   Also that God would have His way and touch the hearts of men and women in London, England.

Let us be praying for the drought and severe weather situations throughout the US and some of Canada.  Let us pray for a spirit of repentance to fill the hearts of men and that mercy of God would send rain first in the hearts of men and then on the land.  Scripture tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust.  Your prayers do make a difference so do not doubt but pray in faith believing.
Be praying for the body of the Lord Jesus Christ to arise and be all she has been called to be and that His glory would be seen in His people.  

Patricia Hamel

July 27, 2012 1:20 Eastern


Sunday, July 22, 2012

Here's Your Pen!

by Joni Ames

Dear Friends,

I just awoke from a most amazing dream and ensuing conversation with the Lord which I pray inspires and catapults His creativity within each of you!

I saw a huge desk in an office in heaven where boxes of thousands upon thousands of pens were open and being released and sent out to many. They were pens of many colors, and each color represented the emotion or purpose of that pen. I'm talking about the trunk or casing of the pen, not the color of the ink. So don't get stuck on that. Perhaps the ink was the same color. I do not know. Anyhow....

The red pen meant that what was to be written with it was of utmost importance in timing and content. Even that color had a variety of meanings as well. Some were red for redemption, like the blood of Jesus, for they would be used to set someone free. Some were red because of the important nature of it's use. Some were red because God was angry and would use it to pour forth His Godly Fury about a situation.

Some pens were blue because a person was sad, and it would bring comfort. Others were blue because it would bring forth revelation. Others were blue because it would announce that a storm was over, and a clear blue sky was ahead.

Some pens were green because they would pour forth teaching, knowledge, and growth. Some were green because God was giving a “Green light; Go!” word to someone.

Some pens were gold, for they would pour forth words of wisdom.

Some pens were silver, because someone had been tried like silver, and redemption was given.

Some pens were purple, for they would bring forth royal decrees.

Some pens were black, for what was written would bring forth something clear, plain and simple, yet needed.

I continued to walk around the room and look into all of the boxes of pens - there were so many! And every pen and each color had meaning.

Please note: Don't get overly "stuck" on the color. It's only symbolic. I believe He gives us what we need, when we need it, per the occasion He calls us to write about.

First of all, let me say that there are writers of all kinds who God inspires. There are writers of books and writers of songs. There are writers who draft constitutions for nations - like ours! There are writers who write columns in newspapers, or a writer that sends one simple "Letter to the Editor" that will bring a thing to the attention of a city and change it's way of thinking or it's destiny. There are writers who simply pick up a pen and send an occasional note to a friend that arrives "at the right time" to bring hope and encouragement in letting someone know they are loved and thought about.

This word is for writers of all kinds, in every nation, to let you know that the drought is over, and the pens of the ready writer are being released to each who ask for it! We each need to be diligent and obedient with ours!

“Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you know not.” (Jer. 33:3)

Let me also say that this is not about some "magic" thing of divination, like demonic "automatic writing." The enemy has a counterfeit for all the Lord has. Let's not go there.

The idea of pens is symbolic, to represent the leading and inspiration in the anointing of the Holy Spirit to accomplish the task Father God wants to release in and through us via writing. So, lets not get "stuck" on the use of the word "pens." He clearly showed me that it was okay to use our computer keyboard!

Don't get trapped in the "paralysis of analysis" by any of this. That would stifle the Holy Spirit's creativity. Instead, allow Him to speak to your heart, and give to you the understanding through His Word via the scriptures as well.

Before I go any further, it is important to say here that God is perfect, but we are not. Even when writing under the unction, we are still human and make mistakes in grammar or spelling. Therefore we still need to proofread and edit things, for the purpose of clarity and function.

Anyhow - I wish you could feel what I feel in my heart and spirit about this! A myriad of emotions and tears came forth as a result of my experience. For it was very clear in this experience that, through our obedience, He can and will change the lives and destinies of many!

How This Came About...

As I was praying about the current events in the news, I asked the Lord what I should say to bring peace and comfort and hope to people. In my heart, I "put myself down," and said, "Lord, I don't know what to say in order to do that! Please help me!"

The Lord made it clear that it wasn't just me that He wanted to use, but many. Including those that He would have me send this to.

Anyhow, He responded in the following way....


Overnight, the Lord met with me in a dream, and began to show me that there are many that He has called in this time to speak forth His Heart. But we must trust in Him, not ourselves, to do that. And it is important to not ignore the "urge" to write out what He speaks to us when He begins to release the anointing to do so. Also to be rid of all other distractions as that happens. He gave me this scripture:

"My heart is indicting a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer." (Psalm 45:1 KJV)

He then said this to me....

“You need to pay attention to the voice that speaks as the words wrap around the corner at the end of each sentence. Always be ready to explore the adventure, as if you were climbing upon a beautiful rainbow!”

“My words have life and meaning, and through them, I will paint pictures of hope and destiny that will be more powerful than any situation, and outlast many generations.”

“Release them (My Words) from the captivity you've placed them in, and you will see the captives set free, and the promises of a lifetime unfold before your very eyes - for yourself AND for others! “

“I have kind words to speak to those who need them, and harsh words to say to those deserving of such. Be ready and listen for both, for each will accomplish my intended purpose to rescue, heal, and set that particular one free."

“Even in this time, I shall give words to heal a nation and cause them to come to Me.”

“So hold fast. Hold tightly to My Hand. Don't ignore the small still voice I send to you when the oceans of anointing are stirred and ready to roar and be released. For pictures will be painted through the words I give to you that will remind my beloved ones to hold on, remain strong, and survive and thrive in the days ahead."

“Be ready, for the season of drought is now done, and my steady, constant rains shall refresh many through the written word - through you.”

As He said this, I saw beautiful paintings of futures of people and lands  birthed simultaneously as words proceeded from His mouth, to and through typing hands, and onto each page.


The Lord wants to use you to speak to others. He does that, you know. Words are important. He used Words to form the whole earth and all of creation!

He has released the armies of pens to the “ready” writers. “Ready” means, “Immediately available,” “Willingly disposed,” “Likely to do something indicated,” “Spontaneous,” “Prepared for immediate use.”

These “Ready Writers” shall spark nations to change and come to their knees before Him. Do not hold back nor ignore using your “pen” when it begins to tap and to dance in your heart, by the leading of the Holy Spirit.

It's time! Go forth! And win many battles!

Constitutions will be written, new nations spring forth, and new histories released at the stroke of these pens.

Grab one, as if a sword or a rifle, and use it with all your might! For the pen truly is mightier than the sword, and the results are full of hope and life!

He wants to use His Creativity to touch and breathe on your sanctified imagination. Don’t let the enemy speak condemnation to you about it. Remember, His Word says,

“Casting down imaginations [reasonings], and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5)

He also reminded me of Psalm 68:11, which speaks directly to women. I'm going to give you several versions, for it enhances the meaning. It says:

King James version:
"The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it."

Through this, I believe He showed me that He will literally use His anointed women to literally publish what He releases to them.

NIV Version:
The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng (army).

NASB - New American Standard Bible

(11) The Lord gives the command; The women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host (army):

And let‘s not forget verse 12:

“Kings of armies flee, they flee, And she who remains at home will divide the spoil!”

I added that last part because I want to make it clear that there are those of you women out there that are AT HOME that He will use as well. In your "quiet" time, however short or long, as you place your hands on the keyboard or pen, He will speak words through you that will go forth and be like the rudder of a ship, and change the course of history in the lives - and even nations - of many. - Even via a free blog on the Internet that will reach into many nations. Let God be your publisher! Instantly! As soon as He gives you a new word!


So grab your “pen,” whether a literal pen or computer keyboard, and your “ready” self, and Go forth!

Writers of songs, God will give you prophetic songs of the Lord that will melt the hearts of un-believers and bring deliverance and hope - even to nations!

Writers of notes and letters: God will speak to your heart about someone who needs a word of encouragement, and your email or note in the mail will arrive at just the right moment, and bring great peace and joy to the heart that needs it!

Writers of scholastic materials: God will give to you the ability to impart amazing knowledge and wisdom to His children!

Writers of business plans and contracts: The Lord shall give you the exact wording to avert danger and bring forth clarity of purpose and destiny.

Writers of political speeches and documents: God will enhance your ability and anointing to convey His Heart and meaning and release and set your nation free!

Writers of blogs, books, and articles: The dam of dryness has been broken! Write books that will mark the times and change lives!

Writers of all kinds - arise and speak life and hope and healing to people and nations and generations that need your obedience! It’s time!!!!

Father, by the power and authority of the name and blood of Jesus, please release to all who read this your heart and hope and anointing, and give to them their “pen of the ready writer.” We thank You and, in advance, give to You all the glory and honor due to You for any good that is accomplished! Amen.

- Joni Ames

Monday, July 2, 2012

Word Of The Lord - July 2, 2012 With Prayer Alerts

WORD OF THE LORD - July 2, 2012
With Prayer Alerts

I am seeking a people that are wholly mine.   Those that have come out of the world and know their God.  It is time to come to Me my people and give me your all, holding nothing back.  You can see the hour in which you are living and the perils that are before you each and every day.  Turn to me my people and open up your hearts that I might do a lasting work in you.  No longer will I settle for lip service but I am looking to you and searching you that I might find a servants heart.  

Have I not made it clear to my people that I am longsuffering and not willing that any should perish?  Have I not made it clear that you need to get rid of the sin in your life?  I am speaking to My children because of my great love for you.  I am not willing that one should perish.  I am calling you to come forth and be all you have been called to be.  I am speaking to you to come forth and stand before Me.  Humble your hearts and turn it all over to Me.  Many of you are withholding your hearts from Me and this greatly saddens me that you will not give your all to Me.  I have given all for you.  Open your hearts My children, cry out to Me for I will forgive your sins.  I will heal your diseases and I will walk with you.  Give your whole heart to Me while there is time.

Nations are in disarray and hanging in the balance.  Swords have been drawn on many sides and it is not long before great war takes place in the nations of the earth.  Men are planning for battle but I say to you I have prepared you for myself and will be your hiding place even in the battle.  Turn all over to Me.  Pray for your nation and pray for the gates that have been opened through sin as they have given access to the enemy. These gates need to be shut through intercession and I am looking for intercessors that will come to Me and call on Me standing in the gap for the sin of your nation.

 Even in New York the enemy has sought to come in and destroy again.  I say to you that narrow is the way that leads to life and broad is the way that leads to destruction.  I am calling you children, the apple of My eye to come forth and stand in the gap.  Stand in the place of that intercessor and call on Me.  The enemy is seeking to come in even into your city and the destroyer has placed himself to strike again.  Intercession can stop this.  The enemy wants war and when a man is at peace with His God peace will reign in a nation.  It is time for your nation to stop its dealings with the enemy and come and bow before Me.  It is time to let me rule and reign for I am the King of Kings and Lord of Glory.  I would rule in your nation and in the hearts of men.  

There is no redemption for the nation whose people do not turn to Me.  Intercession should be a joy and not a chore.  I am entreating you.  Come to Me.  Get busy and call a chosen fast and seek My face.  Call on the name of your redeemer for I am your God.  Call on Me and I will answer you. A nation can be spared with true repentance.  Bring forth true repentance.  Call on me and see if I will answer you.  Call on Me and I will hear you.  I am shaking that which can be shaken and there will be shaking in leadership in the natural and in the spiritual.  I am looking for one that is pliable in My hands.  They are few.  I am looking for leadership that will bend their will to mine and seek me in prayer for their nation. 

You have not because you have asked not and when you have asked you have asked with wrong motives.  I seek the intents of the heart.  Call on Me and seek me for the enemy seeks to devour your nation.  He is seeking entrance to destroy but I say to you intercession can turn away the enemy from without and within.  Seek Me now and call on Me with your whole heart.  Repent of sin and you will win this battle.  Corporately there needs to be repentance.  Cry to Me and I will turn your nation around.  The key is to cry out, cry loud against sin and spare not.  Too many have made light of sin and I cannot look on sin for I am a Holy God.  Repent of sin, call a solemn fast and see if I can do a work in your nation.  The end is close and I say call on me for I am the Lord.   


Prayer Alerts to Pray for New York City.  The area of Broadway, Time Square and 42nd street have been brought to my attention by the Lord. 

Also  Emerald Isle, N.C.  whose waterway is an open gate for enemies of the United States to attack.  Intercessors need to shut this door in the spirit. 

The heat wave throughout the US is life threatening. Millions are without power.  God is trying to get our attention and often uses weather, and natural calamities as a means to do so.  Fires and drought have been allowed but are not God's desire for a nation who walks with the Lord.  God is speaking through these natural circumstances that it is time to repent and turn fully to the Lord. 

14 If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. 2 Chr. 7:14 (AMP)

Patricia Hamel 
July 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Intercessors Arise!


The term " asleep at the switch" came to mind this afternoon when I saw something delayed.  Intercessors came to mind.  Father God wants His intercessors to be alert and on the wall so that they might hear Him speak and reveal His plans and also to thwart the plans of the enemy.  If you are one that has difficulty standing on your post, it is time to wake up and take your place. God is calling His intercessors to arise.

30 And I sought a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none. Ezekiel 22:30 (AMP)