16 He saw that there was no one, was
amazed that no one interceded. Therefore his own arm brought him salvation, and
his own righteousness sustained him. Isaiah 59:16 (CJB)
I am calling forth My intercessors to take their
place in the battle. There are many that
are not in position and now is the time for you to take your place. It is a time of high alert in the land and
you are being called now to do battle for the souls of men. Battles are taking place for the nations of
the earth and the souls of men. Now is
the time for you to lay aside all that is not important and to spend time with
Me that you might see and hear. Then you
can pray according to My Word and see the Word of the Lord go forth in the
earth. My Kingdom is within you. I live within you. Not for the pleasures of this world but to be
that one I have called you to be. Hear
My voice and move into position.
I am the light of this world. It is my light and fire that men must see and
be saved. I am calling you to pray men
into the Kingdom of God. Nations stand
in the balance, souls stand in the balance and many are going to hell
daily. I say to you pray, and intercede
for the souls of men and for all that are in authority over you.
You can see that battle has heated up greatly
and there is gross darkness on the land.
The rights of those that are mine are being taken away daily and you
must stand your ground, first in the prayer closet. Be on high alert and vigilant. Have your spiritual periscope up and searching
for all that is not of me that you might defeat the enemy. I would have your eyes staid on Me for only
then as you truly fellowship with Me will you see and hear.
Be alert in prayer. Wake up My church for many are yet asleep in
the light. Hard times are coming and the
enemy would try and bring about a third world war. Be alert and pray for the situation in the
middle east. The situation with Iran and
Syria are a powder keg about to go off and you must pray. Keep your eyes on Russia for it is again
raising its head. Call on Me and I will
intervene as you move My hand in prayer.
There is great need for intercessors praying for Israel and you need to
surround her with your prayers of intercession.
Pray that they have wisdom and come to the knowledge of the truth that
indeed, I am their Messiah.
Pray for President Obama for wisdom and that he
will come to hear My voice. I have been
speaking but He has not yet heard My voice.
Pray for the protection of those in authority that no weapon formed against
the United States of America will prosper.
Pray that the spirit of Behemoth be brought down for it is arising
worldwide. Men have thought that they
can do it their way and self must be brought down. I am doing a work in the hearts of men but
there is a red star rising and it is Russian and you must be in prayer concerning
her for her position in the middle east is not by accident but by design. There are those you that will be shown how to
pray and take down the kingdoms of the enemy in corporate prayer. Come together in corporate prayer. I have designed you and created you for this
time and hour.
Be the prophetic
intercessors that I have called you to be.
Shoot the arrows of My Word and hit the target. Take the Word of God and fight for all that
is good and true and decent for the spirit of deception is moving rapidly to
deceive even the very elect if this were possible. Pray for truth in the body of Christ to be
revealed. Pray for deliverance from
deception. If it were possible all could
be deceived. But My Spirit is all
powerful and as you cry out for the truth of My Word you will see the
deceptions of men. Fear not that which I
am speaking to you but fear the Lord and know that I am moving. I am the light of the world the fire that
needs to burn in the hearts of men. Run
this race with great care and diligence, putting aside all but that which is
important for the Kingdom of God to be furthered in the earth. Lay aside all that is not of Me. Walk in love and let the love of Christ flow through
you to the hearts of men. Arise and let
Me be your first love.
Prayer Alerts
Yesterday morning I heard the words, "
behemoth is rising!. I searched out the scripture in the book of Job 40:15-25
and also Behemoth means something of
oppressive or monstrous size, power, or appearance in Mirriam-Websters
dictionary. The Lord also showed me a black submarine on the surface shortly
afterwards. Several hours later after
praying He had me look and see that there was a Russian nuclear sub by that
name and also other nations had subs of this kind as well. Later that day I heard storm clouds were on
the horizon and also the words, "red star rising". As I searched online there was a photo of a
Russian sub above surface very near a beach there. All the people were going about their
business as usual with but a very few even concerned. Now is the time for man to wake up and
realize that the cold war is not over.
We need to see with the eyes of the spirit so please pray accordingly.
We are entering a time of the 9th of Av. starting tomorrow
evening. It is a time throughout history
where many catastrophes have happened throughout Jewish History. Let us be prayerful during this time for
Israel and also for the Israeli team at the 2012 Summer Olympics as it is a
concern of Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu.
Also that God would have His way and touch the hearts of men and women
in London, England.
Let us be praying for the drought and severe weather
situations throughout the US and some of Canada. Let us pray for a spirit of repentance to
fill the hearts of men and that mercy of God would send rain first in the
hearts of men and then on the land.
Scripture tells us that it rains on the just and the unjust. Your prayers do make a difference so do not
doubt but pray in faith believing.
Be praying for the body of the Lord Jesus Christ to arise
and be all she has been called to be and that His glory would be seen in His
Patricia Hamel
July 27, 2012 1:20 Eastern