Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Kingdom Of God Is Within


The Kingdom Of God Is Within

Never become satisfied where you are at in God. Never become complacent but always desire to go deeper and know Me more fully. My presence is fullness of joy. At my right hand are pleasures forevermore. Seek first the Kingdom of God and My righteousness and all things will be added to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over. Desire My presence above all else. Desire Me and I will give to you all that is in the Kingdom, to further it FOR MY GLORY! Though the earthly Kingdoms shake and crumble, the Kingdom of God will last forever. The Kingdom of God is within you. I am doing a work in the hearts of My remnant. I am doing a lasting work NOW in My children. I call you children because I said that unless you become as little children you will not enter the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God has come. It is within you. Open your eyes and see even where I have placed you for My glory now and in the future. You have been strategically placed, that others might come to know Me. I am putting people around you and they may not be who you would choose but they are the needy that need to learn of Me, that need salvation and freedom and need to grow up into mature sons and daughters of the Lord. This is your place of deeper learning. For many seasons you have been fed but now in turn you are feeding My sheep. Did I not say to Peter, if you love me, feed My sheep three times?

It is now a time to see the fields for they are white to harvest. Feed My Sheep! Feed them for they are hungry. Feed them for they are lost. Feed them for they are in hospitals dying without Me. If you love Me then feed the hungry, feed the lost, feed the dying with heavenly manna that they might never thirst again. This is the message of the Kingdom, love joy and peace in the Holy Spirit. Sow love, sow joy, sow peace in the Spirit to those that are hungry for I will lay them on your path, I will take you to them, and bring them to you.

You have entered a new season of understanding My will in a deeper way. You are beginning to have new understanding to that which I am doing. Behold I do a new thing in your heart. I am stretching you. It is about the needs of others. It is about being strategically placed to meet those needs. You are a vessel that is open to being used. Shine as a light on a hill that cannot be hid and do not hide your light under a bushel. In other words, be available to be used by Me, instant in season and out for the greater glory of My Kingdom. My light will shine in you. They will see My love and it will draw them as a bee is drawn to honey. Trust Me and I will fulfill My promises in you.

Come against all that is coming against you and your family and have new hope that the dead bones will live. They dry places will be watered again. Hearts that have been parched, because of a lack of My Word will be watered again. The Kingdom of God will come within them as you intercede fervently for your family to be stirred. Do not be surprised at that which I will do and do not think that I move in conventional ways, for the ways of My Spirit are according to My Word and will. Kingdom purposes will be fulfilled even in the storms of life. They are often used for the greater glory so pray, watch and see that which I will do.

I am going to be manifested in you, in your family, in the body of Christ and the Kingdom of God will burn in their hearts. Did not the disciples say, that their hearts burned within them? I am kindling a new fire in your heart. I have heard the cry. I have seen the need and desire for more of Me. I said this is a new season so enter it with joy and expect greater things for the Kingdom of God. My love for you has no end. Fear not but put your trust in Me and I will fulfill My word in you.

But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come on you. Luke 11:20

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Little Word of Wisdom


A Little Word Of Wisdom

Awhile back a prophetic friend said to me, "that she had driven past the place of an old man". It was very run over outside with the area uncut. He was working in the yard and yet there was no evidence of any change. Every few days as she drove by nothing looked different. Finally one day she drove by again and much to her surprise the area was totally cut and clean and the Lord spoke to her heart.

She told me what had transpired and that in keeping at it, little by little, one day his yard was cleared of all the overgrowth. This is so very true in our own lives. Sometimes our tasks at hand seem difficult, even impossible, but little by little as we move forward and take ground things get done. The Word says, here a little there a little line upon line and this applies to the Word of God.

Our understanding of the Kingdom of God does not all come overnight.Yet, as we press in for understanding of His Word and our place in the Kingdom of God, revelation will be given to us and we will function with a higher level of understanding. Whatever you have to do today, do it with all your heart. You may not see much change right now but in your faithfulness, one day you will see a difference. Ask Father for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him (Jesus) and He will speak to your heart.

And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirty times, some sixty, and some an hundred. Mark 4:20

hat the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him: Eph. 1:17

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Continue To Speak The Heart Of God In All Matters

Continue To Speak The Heart Of God In All Matters

As I read a post to me today it spoke to my heart. The woman of God said, "to continue to speak the heart of God in all matters". How powerful is this word to myself and all of us today! We are to speak the full counsel of the Lord, no more, no less! Whatever Father gives you to speak, speak it clearly, consistently with the love of the Father and His Word. Let us hear from Father, speak when He releases us to do so and pray, that it falls on good ground and bears fruit. The Word of the Lord will not come back void.

So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:11

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Honouring Leadership


Honouring Leadership

The Apostle Paul did not mince words when he said, "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works:" 2 Timothy 4:14. There are times that we need to warn others about enemies of the cross of Christ. Where is the line between speaking the truth in love, warning and judging. We are to protect the body of Christ, standing guard against the jezebel spirit that would speak against the true prophet of the Lord, supposedly pointing the finger and calling good evil and evil good.

This spirit would try and murmur against the true prophetic voice and cause dissention in the body of Christ. It even tries to dig itself in with leadership to undermine true prophetic authority. We need to love people but hate the spirit that operates through them to kill, steal and destroy.

Just the other day the Lord had me warn a person who would come into contact with one such man. This man over a period of years has come against a true prophet of God. Little things, like taking a scripture about a false prophetess and then pointing the finger at the authentic woman of God. We need to ask the Lord to bless these people the way they need blessing, but also to restrain their evil work.

No more should we allow the foe to speak against God's prophets. We need to discern enough not to receive the lie. We need to see the enemy at a distance and discern his evil work. No more will we allow the enemy to come against the true prophetic voice.

No more will we stay silent and allow the foe to do his dirty work. No more will those voices be entertained and one must not even listen to their murmuring but say, "I do not want to listen to gossip". It is time for the church to not listen to the murmuring and gossip against authorities in the body of Christ. Many listen to their Pastor being maligned and do nothing. Many stand aside and allow others to speak against true apostles and prophets of God. It is time church to take a stand for the Lord against those that would be used by the enemy, ever so sweetly in the church under the guise of we must pray about this. How often the foe comes along and says, let me share this with you but beloved, it is not for prayer it is to gossip.

Let us put an end to gossip in the church. Let it stop now, says the LORD. I have called My people by My name and they have been called to honour Me. They are to speak in holiness and love one another. I am not returning for a body that is full of gossip but one that is filled with My Spirit. It is time for the mouth of My own to have hot coals put to their lips, for many are children with unclean lips. Their hearts are far from Me when they gossip against those for whom I paid the price in full. My bride is to be protected. My apostles and prophets are to be honoured for they are indeed leadership in My body. No more will I allow these things to take place without raising up a standard against those that speak evil against My servants. Repentance is needed for the words spoken against those in authority that have been set into My body. I will forgive, and remember the sin no more when there is true repentance. Pray for those in authority over you and love one another with a pure heart.

So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. Romans 14:2

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Numbering Our Days!

Numbering Our Days!
July 5, 2011

God has a perfect plan for each one of our lives. Each one has been given a certain number of days on this earth and only the Lord knows the number of them. Today it was sad finding out a friend from the past had died over five years ago. In younger years we had been friends for many years and had worked together as young adults. The last time I had spoken to her over twelve years ago I had shared my faith in Christ with her. Tears keep coming to my eyes and truly I am sad. Only Father knows her heart but this speaks loudly the importance of our sharing Christ with others when we have opportunity. We have been given much by the Lord and much is expected. So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. Psalm 90:12